Made in USA?

In light of recent world events, there has been a surge in patriotism. As a part of that, more people are looking for the “Made in the USA” label. But what are you getting when you see that label? The Federal Trade Commission has the primary responsibility for its enforcement. The standard is that all or virtually all of a product must be made in the United States. The government closely regulates the amount of foreign content in products such as cars and textiles. However, all other goods are regulated only by truth in advertising laws; there is no government agency or certification body that ensures such products are made in the USA, although Customs does inspect goods from other countries to ensure they are properly labeled. In order to avoid confiscation, an item from Japan should read “Made in Japan” and not “Made in USA.”

For the “Made in the USA” label, the consumer is the primary police force for most products. The best way to ensure that the label is accurate is for you to report any suspicious labeling to the FTC at 1-877-FTC-HELP or the United States Customs Service at 1-800-ITS-FAKE.

— Mike Malin

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