Category: Business / Employment

Send Us Your Collection Matters

In the last several issues, we have commented upon the increasing importance of monitoring closely your receivables, looking for slow payment trends and other indicators that the customer may be getting behind in payment. With virtually all of the leading economic indicators being flat or… Continue reading

Business Divorce

Unfortunately, like marriages, businesses sometimes end in divorce. The reasons for the demise of a business can range from petty disputes involving ego to deep seated financial problems. Deadlocks or irreconcilable conflicts as to the direction and operation of a company can cause substantial emotional… Continue reading

What’s on Your Invoice?

We handle a variety of collection cases for commercial clients, and one of the common problems we encounter is the use of sales invoices which are either incomplete, lacking the proper or necessary terms, or containing ambiguities which only serve to foul up the collection… Continue reading

Non-Competition Agreements – How Strong Are They?

After years of litigation in Pennsylvania, the courts have made it clear that non-competition agreements between an employer and an employee are generally enforceable. Requirements of enforceability, however, contain additional conditions: the contract which contains the covenant must be supported by adequate consideration rendered at… Continue reading

Employers Beware: Wage Payment and Collection Law

The Pennsylvania Wage Payment and Collection Law (“WPCL”) provides a statutory cause of action for employees against employers and responsible individuals; it allows an employee to sue for unpaid wages and recover additional damages of 25% of the unpaid amount and counsel fees. The WPCL… Continue reading

The Importance of a Performing Home Owners’ Association: How Effective the Remedies?

Many more of us own and live in either condominiums or planned communities where all of the owners in the community have an interest in the common elements (e.g., exterior walls and roofs of the buildings, sidewalks, streets, recreational facilities, etc.). Since this type of… Continue reading

Procedures Before the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission

A salesman had been working for a company for over 30 years when his company was purchased and new management took over. Systematically, management began a campaign to force the salesman to resign. They singled him out, criticized his work, demoted him, and divided up… Continue reading

Covenants Not to Compete

In today’s corporate world, a Darwinistic climate has developed where corporate officers and directors will take whatever actions they believe are necessary for their companies to survive. These actions may include requiring new employees to sign covenants not to compete upon termination of employment. An… Continue reading

Job References

Sellers of Goods Take Notice!

If you are a seller of goods, there are certain provisions of the Uniform Commercial Code which you should be aware of and which can be advantageous where your buyer becomes insolvent shortly after delivery of your goods. As we will see, prompt action is… Continue reading