Monthly Archives: July 2006
The Queen’s English — ‘Bout Done with Apostrophes
Previously we spoke of apostrophes and contractions where we combine two words such as a pronoun and a verb (“They’ve left.”). There are other times when the apostrophe is used when letters in a word are being omitted. Some illustrations: ‘burbs for suburbs ne’er (do… Continue reading
Nursing Home Care
We are frequently asked questions regarding Medicaid eligibility to cover nursing home costs. Often, the questions are raised when the need for nursing home care is imminent; it may be too late to establish an ideal plan regarding nursing home care, but usually some planning… Continue reading
Recent Changes for IRAs and Retirement Plans
The IRS has just released new rules for IRAs and employer-sponsored retirement plans (e.g., 401(k) plans). The sweeping changes are effective immediately. However, IRA owners may continue to apply the old rules for the year 2001. Surprisingly, the IRS has taken a number of complex… Continue reading
Copyright – Work Made for Hire
When a company hires a consultant to develop software for its business, who owns the copyright to that work, the company or the consultant? The answer depends on whether (1) the consultant is considered an employee of the company or an independent contractor, and (2)… Continue reading
Slip and Fall Injuries
With the slick winter weather we are seeing a rise in the number of slip and fall incidents occurring in public places. Serious injuries, including broken bones, back injuries, and various types of strains and sprains are being reported. Normal, healthy people rarely fall down… Continue reading
Foundations Made Easy
Several months ago we commented upon a method which was designed to reduce an individual’s federal estate taxes to zero. One of the key components of this type of estate plan is the organization of a family foundation. We have worked with a number of… Continue reading
The Letter of Intent — The Letter of Intent
At various stages of a business negotiation it seems inevitable that someone involved in the transaction will suggest a letter of intent (“LOI”) to be signed by both parties to encapsule the terms of the transaction in an abbreviated manner. It is an effort to… Continue reading
Pardon Me!
Since Bill Clinton left office the subject of pardons has been in the news almost daily, due largely to the pardon granted Marc Rich. As a result, the idea of granting a pardon to a convicted criminal may be getting a bad rap. Without question… Continue reading
Funding a College Education
Today it is common to pay upwards of $100,000 for a four-year college education. With a 4% increase in costs per year, this equates to a $200,000 bill for a child who enters college in 18 years. Apart from earning a scholarship or going into… Continue reading
Restrictive Covenants: Can You Compete?
As the business world becomes more complex, many of us must deal with the issue of legal restrictions regarding key employees leaving to join competitors or to start competing businesses. Such restrictions are found in a variety of agreements and are commonly referred to as… Continue reading