Monthly Archives: July 2006
Identity Theft Update
Despite the growing public awareness of the crime of identity theft- when someone uses your personal information to gain credit in your name – the number of cases continues to grow at an alarming rate. Identity theft takes money from businesses, increases the cost of credit… Continue reading
The Queen’s English — Hope Springs Eternal
The misuse of the word hopefully continues unabated. To say “Hopefully, Bill will remember to get milk at the store” is to say that when he remembers the milk, Bill will be full of hope. This is not what the speaker intended; what was intended… Continue reading
It’s Better To Give…
In 2001, Americans gave an estimated $203 billion to charities. Since many of you contributed to this figure, it might be worth reviewing some charitable giving options that also carry favorable income and estate tax advantages. One income tax advantaged strategy appreciated that we can… Continue reading
Divorce and the Equitable Distribution of Property
If divorcing couples cannot agree on how to divide their property, either party has the option to request an “equitable distribution hearing.” A count for equitable distribution can be included in the initial divorce complaint. At an equitable distribution hearing, husband and wife will present… Continue reading
Ch Ch Ch Changes…
Every so often we devote our attention to some of the changes that have occurred around BBC&B: Walt Reed has joined us in our estate planning and administration department. Walt brings with him a high level of expertise in planning estates of all sizes, with… Continue reading
The Queen’s English
The general rule is that the word different (which is an adjective) should be followed by from, though in common usage than is often used. The “purists” apparently argue that the rule is unbending, and the use of than is always incorrect. The use of… Continue reading
Tax Advantaged Savings for College
Congress enacted Section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code to provide individuals with a tax-favored vehicle to save for college expenses. Section 529 plans are sponsored by states and allow an individual to contribute regardless of their income level. The earnings grow tax-free, and withdrawals… Continue reading
An Overview of Corporations
A corporation is created by statute and possesses all of the privileges, responsibilities, and rights of a natural person, including the right to due process, equal protection, and attorney-client privilege. A corporation is a legal entity separate from its officers, directors, and shareholders. It has… Continue reading
The Shadow of 9/11 Grows Ever Longer
As we approach the anniversary of one of the defining moments in American history, much is unresolved; and the grim reality of it is that there are not necessarily ever going to be clear answers to the many questions that the World Trade Center attack… Continue reading
Planning for Disabled Individuals
According to the Social Security Administration and the Department of Education, 15 to 20% of the population of the United States suffers from some form of disability. Disabilities can range from developmental (cerebral palsy, autism, etc.), acquired (head trauma, etc.), organic (Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, etc) and… Continue reading