Monthly Archives: July 2006
Bankruptcy: What is Your Preference?
Except for bankruptcy lawyers, most people, especially business people, cringe at the thought of bankruptcy. The concept of filing for bankruptcy protection is, to some extent, contrary to certain core business values such as paying your bills on time and being held accountable for your… Continue reading
Points to Ponder
As most drivers are aware, Pennsylvania maintains a point system which assigns penalty points to your driving record in the event you are convicted of certain traffic offenses. Generally, the more serious the offense involved, the more points that are assigned. Accumulate enough points, and… Continue reading
Wills: Selecting an Executor
If you have not yet prepared a will and are considering doing so, you will need to determine who to appoint as executor. An executor (or executrix) is the person responsible for carrying out the instructions of your will. If you already have a will… Continue reading
Terminating Democracy?
Ah, California! If it didn’t exist, we’d have to invent it. Almost certainly, if the polls are to be believed, in the recall campaign the present Governor, Gray Davis, is yesterday’s headline, a goner! He is barely at a 25% approval rating and, at least… Continue reading
Employer Responsibility for Co-Worker Harassment
Is an employer liable for an employee’s claim of sexual harassment where the harassment is committed by a co-worker? Maybe yes, or maybe no. The answer to this question depends upon the particular facts and circumstances. As a general matter, it can be said that… Continue reading
HIPAA: The Health Privacy Rules
In 1996, the Federal Government enacted the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (“HIPAA”) which took effect in April of this year. HIPAA was promulgated in response to the privacy concerns that were arising due to the increase in electronically transferred medical information and the… Continue reading
Gubernatorial Election Recall: A Historical Perspective
A state in economic crisis, job growth nonexistent, land values dropping, state population in decline for the first time and a narrowly-elected governor was being challenged to a recall election by the Republican Party. Sounds like those crazy Californians, right? Try North Dakota, circa 1921.… Continue reading
Queen’s English Bring and Take — A New York Mistake
People sometimes confuse bring and take and use one when the other is appropriate. Not New Yorkers; among those whom I know, they are consistent; they always reverse them! No need to go to war with a whole city, especially the country’s largest, but it… Continue reading
Where There’s a Will…
In the last issue of the Law Update, I wrote an article about choosing an executor of a will. So, you may ask, what happens if someone appoints you as the executor of his or her will? (The chances of this happening are actually quite… Continue reading
Recent DUI Legislation
Governor Rendell has signed new legislation reducing the maximum permissible blood alcohol level (“BAC”) from .10% to .08%. As a result, it will take fewer drinks to send you over the legal limit to operate a motor vehicle on Pennsylvania highways. The change in the… Continue reading