Monthly Archives: August 2012
Latin Lovers
De novo is a Latin phrase meaning “anew” or “afresh.” In legal circles it is used to describe a matter or a decision that is to be decided a second time with no regard given to the first decision. For example, in a hearing de… Continue reading
New Annual Property Tax Appeal Deadline
Over the past few years, the number of appeals by property owners from their real estate assessments has increased significantly as a result of the decline in values in the real estate market. Property owners who wish to file appeals from their assessments are… Continue reading
Be Careful How You Sign Documents
Sometimes we learn the simplest things last. Not doing those simple things can be costly. One of the simplest rules of owning and operating a corporation or a limited liability company is to clearly sign papers and contracts as a representative of the business… Continue reading
Requirements Contracts
In the commercial setting, one type of contract that requires particular attention and input from the client is the so-called “requirements contract,” under which a supplier obligates itself to produce all of a particular buyer’s requirements for a given product during the term of the… Continue reading