Category: Newsletters
Planning for Your Digital Estate
For better or worse, an increased number of our financial and personal activities are conducted and logged on-line. This can prove difficult when a person dies or becomes incapacitated. Activities as varied as the relatively unimportant maintenance (or shutting down) of a Facebook account, accessing… Continue reading
Auction Notice – November 2017
The Liquor Control Board will be releasing 50 “R” licenses for auction. Bids for the licenses are due by noon on Thursday, November 9, 2017. Bids will be opened Thursday, November 16, 2017 and auction winners will be determined soon thereafter. This auction includes 50… Continue reading
What is a Motion in Limine?
As a civil lawsuit becomes ready for trial the trial lawyers start to think about what evidence they intend to present to the jury to prove or defend their case. Evidence is typically developed during the discovery process where witnesses are deposed and documents, photographs… Continue reading
Co-Ownership of Property: Title Matters
When more than one person owns property they are referred to as “co-tenants”. How co-tenants own the property can vary – and can determine what happens to the property when one of them dies or when a creditor comes after the property to satisfy a… Continue reading
Objection! Calls for a “Conclusion”
If you want to learn a bit about courtroom procedure, look no further than “Perry Mason.” In a jury trial, fact witnesses can be asked what they saw, heard, did, and numerous other “facts” — but they cannot be asked to offer a conclusion on… Continue reading
The Bill of Rights
The “Bill of Rights” is made up of the first ten amendments to the U. S. Constitution. They are clear, concise and to the point. They are also critical to the endurance of our constitutional democracy. They are worth reading, perhaps now more than ever.… Continue reading
Wet vs. Dry Municipalities
Dry municipalities are those that do not allow the sale of wine, spirits and/or malt and brewed beverages within their borders. Dry municipalities have existed in Pennsylvania dating back to before Prohibition. At the end of Prohibition in 1933, state law made alcohol sales a… Continue reading
Strict Liability
In the law of torts, it is usually necessary to show that a person is negligent or otherwise at fault before that person can be found legally responsible for damages. If you slip on a banana peel and suffer injury, you must prove that the… Continue reading
Pennsylvania’s Economic Development Licenses
Most Pennsylvania liquor licenses are distributed on a county-by-county basis based upon a ratio of one license per 3,000 inhabitants in the county. Once the limit is reached, liquor license acquisition depends on supply and demand. However, in 2002 the Pennsylvania General Assembly passed legislation… Continue reading
Landlords, Dog Bites and Personal Injury Liability
Yes, a landlord can be liable when a tenant’s dog (or other pet) attacks or bites someone. Each day about 1,000 U.S. citizens require emergency care for serious dog bite injuries. As a result, there are a growing number of lawsuits stemming from dog incidents… Continue reading