Category: Newsletters

Latin Lovers

  One of the more common Latin phrases to appear in judicial opinions is the phrase sine qua non.  Literally, the phrase means “without which is nothing.” The practical definition of sine qua non is a thing or condition which is an essential or indispensable… Continue reading

Easements, Licenses, and Other Interests in Land

  Clients frequently approach us regarding obtaining a right of way over a neighbor’s property or, alternatively, dealing with a neighbor who seeks a right of way over the client’s property.  Sometimes these agreements are for vehicular or pedestrian access, a true “right of way.”… Continue reading

Another Look at Reverse Mortgages

We have previously expressed reservations about the reverse mortgage (“RM”), and  while we still would urge caution, it  may be a good thing for certain retirees. The primary appeal of the RM is that an elderly couple (they must be at least 62 years old)… Continue reading

Sign Contracts Properly!

  Time and again we come across contracts and other important papers purportedly signed on behalf of a corporation, limited liability company, limited partnership or similar “limited liability” entity which are not signed properly by the officer/member/partner, thereby jeopardizing the limited liability protection for the… Continue reading

Back to the (Tax) Future

    Though they are not receiving a great deal of notice, with all of the other hot topics buzzing about, a number of tax proposals seem to be wending their way through the Congressional process; much of what the Congress seems to be doing… Continue reading

The Queen’s English – The Ever Vexatious Lie and Lay

What is Equitable Distribution?

            Perhaps you have heard the term “equitable distribution” while someone was discussing a divorce.  Equitable distribution is the system some states use to address the division of marital assets and liabilities during a divorce.  For the most part there are two methods states use… Continue reading

The New Pennsylvania Home Improvement Consumer Protection Act

     On July 1, 2009, a new law entitled the Pennsylvania Home Improvement Consumer Protection Act will take effect.  The Act is designed to protect against several abuses that some home improvement contractors have inflicted on innocent consumers.  The Act as a whole does three… Continue reading

Luzerne County’s

      Attorneys are often their own worst enemies in the realm of public relations.  We have become a favorite butt of many comedians; and while most of it is good-natured, much of the mocking seems excessive.  Attorneys as a group are generally good citizens, making… Continue reading

Real Estate Tax Assessment Appeals

  Recently we sent out a notice to clients and friends of the firm setting forth the deadlines for appealing your real estate tax assessments.  The deadlines for filing a reassessment petition are as follows: County                                         Filing Deadline Bucks                        … Continue reading